We at JIPS encourage open discourse and free expression but do not endorse any particular stance that may be reflected in the contributions on this website The views expressed in the JIPS blog are solely those of the contributors.
Arms Racing, Grey-Zone Warfare and Great Power Competition in Ukraine
America is not the greatest country in the world anymore
Starting from Scratch: Chile’s New Constitution
How US climate policy impacts our strategic leverage against China?
State Building in Myanmar: What Comes after the Coup?
How Taiwan Conquered COVID-19
Op-Ed: Overcoming the Rise of Populism through Inclusive Forms of Knowledge
Raising the Minimum Wage – Who Does It Help?
Debunking Trump’s Claims of Fraud
A Sit-Down With Former State Department Senior Advisor on Wildlife Trafficking: Jessica Graham
Digital Pandemic Relief Funds Leave Out Vulnerable Women
What Does #DefundThePolice Actually Mean?
Diplomacy in Defense: The U.S. Military Needs Cultural Awareness Training
Op-ed: Riots to Revolution
The USMC: A Leaner, Lethal Beast in the Pacific
Migrant Workers: Essential, Yet Sidelined
Op-Ed: To Compete with China, U.S. Must Dump Trump
Improving Disability Rights in the United States
Revealing Policy Gaps at the Intersection of Disability and COVID-19
Counterproductive policy responses to the rise in domestic violence during quarantine